Script Generator


Paste saved Call into box below:

Call from TextBox Above


AutoType Analysis of Typing rates measured from call logs


Set up a a call queueing waiting for an Advisor. Use a stream of text into the DUT and capture its output. The DUT merges two streams of text, Typing from my AutoType, and the system sends a periodic message. My AutoTyping sends a time stamp relative to when it was turned on.

Example of call log

When queuing, every 9 seconds, the node sends: [ Sorry for any delay. Connecting you as soon as we can ]

[ Sorry for any delay. Connecting you as soon as we can ]

Me>> is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a 

[ Sorry for any delay. Connecting you as soon as we can ]

Me>> test call.
   Please hang up 

[ Sorry for any delay. Connecting you as soon as we can ]

Me>> the B-leg 
   I am testing. 

[ Sorry for any delay. Connecting you as soon as we can ]

The typing from Me>> generated by the AutoType is what I think a user would do, and the system message is a regular tick sending a string in one packet

	[ Auto Type ] --- ~ 5 cps -----------> |
	                                       |--->---[ Relay UK App]
	[ Node      ] --- every 9 seconds----> |

We can measure the Auto Type rate by counting the number of characters between each system message.


Typing rates measured from call logs

AutoType types a set of phrases in a loop. It uses a random interval between letters, and a longer pause between words.

What rate should it type

char myString[] = "  This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.\n "
                  " Please hang up the B-leg \n "
                  " I am testing  the new Relay UK app  \n "
                  " Hello Doug here  \n "
                  " Can   you see my typing?  \n "
                  " The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog  \n "
                  " I am testing the    new Relay UK app \n "

When it types into a text editor the \n does not seem to do a CRLF

slower - 56 seconds

This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.
 Please hang up the B-leg 
  I am testing  the new Relay UK app  
   Hello Doug here  
     Can   you see my typing?  
	   The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog  
	     I am testing the    new Relay UK app 
		   ts: 56 seconds  This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.

faster - 32 seconds

		    Please hang up the B-leg 
			 I am testing  the new Relay UK app  
			  Hello Doug here  
			    Can   you see my typing?  
				  The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog  
				    I am testing the    new Relay UK app 
					  ts: 88 seconds  This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.

Then slower, slower - 56 seconds

					   Please hang up the B-leg 
					    I am testing  the new Relay UK app  
						 Hello Doug here  
						   Can   you see my typing?  
						     The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog  
							   I am testing the    new Relay UK app 
							     ts: 144 seconds  This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.

What Rate do the AutoTypes type at? Note: includes indents so expect rate to increase.

DigiSpark - yellow - control:-

PICO strapped - fast :-

PICO strapped - slow :-

Long duration calls

AutoType types a set of phrases in a loop. Plug it into the App and let it type. Does the App survive? Does it choke?

digispark yellow

PICO strapped slow:-

PICO strapped slow - turned on and off:-

Long duration calls into device using Pico Strapped Slow

Analysed Control measurements

DigiSpark Yellow
PICO strapped - fast :
PICO strapped - fast :

Analysed Calls - waiting for an Advisor


Long One Hour call with Digi spark and PICO strapped-slow unplugged.
DigiSpark - Yellow

PICO strapped-fast

PICO strapped-slow

copies of emails of call logs

DigiSpark - yellow
This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 56 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 88 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 144 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 176 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 230 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 263 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 316 seconds This is BeeTea

PICO strapped
This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 28 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 45 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 75 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 91 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 121 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 139 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 170 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 187 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app

This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 91 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 140 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 225 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 273 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call. Please hang up the B-leg I am testing the new Relay UK app Hello Doug here Can you see my typing? The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog I am testing the new Relay UK app ts: 361 seconds This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.



Make a long call to the Queuing operator. The 

[ Auto type ] --- [ device ]

In more detail:

[ [ Auto type ] - [ USB stack in  ] ]  --- [ [ USB stack ]-[ device ] ]

[ Auto Type ] types faster than the App can process it so it banks up in the USB buffer. How do I find it?

We queue the call against the node The node sends a message every 9 seconds.

The AutoType could do with an input that could trigger a character to allow the delay across the App when it has banked up the typing.

[ AUTO TYPE ] - - - [